


Enrollment in 4 programs of your choice at any university in The Netherlands
Mentoring you and evaluating your motivation letter and CV
Digital enrollment in two e-systems (national system and from each university)
What do you wanna know – TheSwipe Consultations (45 minutes)


TheSwipe bundle allows to focus on planning farewell parties with your family and friends and start packing for moving to The Netherlands. So while you are preparing to move to The Netherlands, we will arrange enrollment in 4 study programs of your choice. DoubleTroubleBUNDLE enrols you to 2 programs of your choice at any university in The Netherlands, which is why we need your information and documents, after which we do all the administrative tasks, digital enrollment in 2 e-systems and inform you about all the latest information related to the selected program. In addition to enrolling you, in this bundle you will receive free mentoring for your motivation letter in the form of 4 changes with constructive suggestions and tips for improvement so that you can have a perfect motivation letter so you can increase your chances of acceptance to your desired program. To put the cherry on the top, this bundle includes the “What do you wanna know?” service where we provide you with individual virtual meetings. Here is where we give you all the first-hand information so that you are fully prepared for your Dutch adventure.